History of Secondary Highway 536:
Secondary Highway 536 was a local highway in the District of Sudbury that once connected Lively and Creighton Mine to Highway 17 west of Sudbury. The Creighton Mine
Road was designated as Highway 536 by an Order-in-Council dated May 9, 1956 and was first depicted on a Preliminary Route Plan prepared by the Department of Highways
of Ontario (DHO) in May, 1956. The entire route of Highway 536 was reconstructed and paved during 1956. At a total length of just under 4 miles, it was one of the
shorter Secondary Highways in the Sudbury area. Apart from a few minor realignments along the highway, the route changed very little during its 18-year existence.
Jurisdiction over Highway 536 was transferred to the newly-formed Regional Municipality of Sudbury on May 1, 1974. The road is known today as Sudbury Road 24.