Hwy 85 Sign Graphic Hwy 85 Title Graphic Hwy 85 Sign Graphic   

Welcome to the King's Highway 85 Photograph Index Page! This directory will allow you to access over 50 historical and present day photographs of Ontario's King's Highway 85. Looking for a different highway? Please return to the main Photograph Index Page if you are looking for photos of any other Ontario highway.

Search Tip: Due to the number of Highway 85 photos available, they have been subdivided onto several different pages. Historical photos of Highway 85 from the 1930s up until the 1990s are organized chronologically, while present day photos are organized by location from Kitchener to Elmira (south to north). Please select a link on the page below to further refine your Highway 85 photograph search. Enjoy!

Photo at Right: Old Conestoga River Bridge on Hwy 85 in St. Jacobs. Photo taken on October 24, 1953.
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 1953)

Please note that all photographs displayed on this website are protected by copyright. These photographs must not be reproduced, published, electronically stored or copied, distributed, or posted onto other websites without my written permission. If you want to use photos from this website, please email me first for permission. Thank-you!

King's Highway 85 Photographs

Hwy 85 Photographs - Page #1 - Historical Photographs of Hwy 85 (1934-1999) &
 Present Day Photographs of Hwy 85 from Kitchener to Waterloo
Hwy 85 Photographs - Page #2 - Present Day Photographs of Hwy 85 from Waterloo to Elmira

Links to Adjacent King's Highway Photograph Pages

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