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This page contains historical photos of Ontario's King's Highway 400 dating from 1980 to 1984. All photographs displayed on this page were taken by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, unless specifically noted otherwise. Historical photographs are arranged in approximate chronological order. Click on any thumbnail to see a larger image!

Please note that all photographs displayed on this website are protected by copyright. These photographs must not be reproduced, published, electronically stored or copied, distributed, or posted onto other websites without my written permission. If you want to use photos from this website, please email me first for permission. Thank-you!

Page 4: Historical King's Highway 400 Photographs (1980 to 1984)

HWY 400 #188             HWY 400 #206

Left - Facing west along Hwy 88 towards Bond Head from the Hwy 400 Overpass near Bradford (April 29, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - Facing east along Hwy 88 towards Bradford at the Hwy 400 Overpass (April 29, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #207             HWY 400 #213

Left - Steel handrail on the Hwy 88 Overpass on Hwy 400 near Bradford (April 29, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - Facing north along Hwy 400 towards the new Hwy 93 Interchange near Hillsdale (April 29, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #216

Above - Facing south along Hwy 400 towards the new Hwy 93 Interchange near Hillsdale (April 29, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #238

Above - Close-up view of the "angled" turn-off sign marking the exit to Hwy 93 from Hwy 400 South. These signs were used extensively on Ontario freeways during the 1970s. The angled freeway signs were gradually phased out and replaced with rectangular signs beginning in the 1980s. In my opinion, these angled turn-off signs were an excellent idea. Their unique shape helped drivers to immediately differentiate turn-off signs from all other rectangular-shaped ground-mounted guide signs on the freeway, even at a considerable distance. These angled signs were particularly useful at "Parclo-B" interchanges such as the Hwy 93 Interchange, where the exit ramp is hidden on the far side of the grade separation and would therefore be less apparent to a driver. Photo taken on April 29, 1981.
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #214             HWY 400 #215

Left - Facing south along Hwy 93 at the Hwy 400 Interchange. Until 1980, these two highways met at an at-grade intersection. Photo taken on April 29, 1981.
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - Facing south across the newly-completed Hwy 93 Overpass on Hwy 400 (April 29, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #227             HWY 400 #226

Left - Steel frame for the Bayfield Street Overpass widening on Hwy 400 in Barrie (June 23, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - The original 1951 Bayfield Street Overpass in Barrie was widened in 1981 to provide a southbound left turn lane across the structure. A new loop ramp was also constructed in the northwest interchange quadrant. At the time this photo was taken, preliminary grading on the new loop ramp was just getting underway in the background. Photo taken on June 23, 1981.
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #228             HWY 400 #229

Left - Excavating the southeast wingwall during the Bayfield Street Overpass widening project in Barrie (June 23, 1981)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - The expansion of the Bayfield Street Overpass was done entirely on the south side of the original 1951 structure. This bridge widening and interchange ramp reconfiguration project greatly improved traffic flow at the busy Bayfield Street Interchange. Photo taken on June 23, 1981.
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #235

Above - View underneath the Bayfield Street Overpass in Barrie, showing the original 1951 structure and the new extension that was built in 1981 (April 1, 1982)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #230

Above - Facing north along Hwy 400 towards the St. Vincent Street Overpass in Barrie (April, 1982)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #232             HWY 400 #231

Left - Sign on Hwy 400 marking the St. Vincent Street Overpass in Barrie (April, 1982)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - Facing north across the St. Vincent Street Overpass on Hwy 400 in Barrie (April, 1982)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #272

Above - Facing south along Hwy 69 (now Hwy 400) towards the Hwy 12 Interchange in Waubaushene (July, 1982)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2012)

HWY 400 #273

Above - Eastern side of the Waubaushene CN Railway Overhead on Hwy 69 (July, 1982)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2012)

HWY 400 #239

Above - Facing south along Hwy 400 towards the Hwy 401 Interchange in Toronto (December 10, 1982)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2011)

HWY 400 #217             HWY 400 #219

Left - Facing south along Hwy 400 towards the Hwy 93 Interchange near Hillsdale (July, 1983)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - Facing south across the Hwy 93 Overpass on Hwy 400 near Hillsdale (July, 1983)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #218             HWY 400 #220

Left - Green guide sign on Hwy 93 marking the ramp to Hwy 400 North (July, 1983)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

Right - Facing north across the Hwy 93 Overpass on Hwy 400 near Hillsdale (July, 1983)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2010)

HWY 400 #251             HWY 400 #274

Left - Matchedash Bay Bridge on Hwy 69 (later Hwy 400) in Waubaushene (June, 1984)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2012)

Right - Western side of the Waubaushene CN Railway Overhead on Hwy 69 (June, 1984)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 2012)

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