Copyright Information, Sources & Disclaimer

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Copyright Information

All of the photographs and maps depicted on this website are copyrighted images, and are not public domain! Most of the images are mine, but some of them do not belong to me. Permission was generously granted to me by the various copyright holders of these images for exhibition only on this site. Any other use is prohibited and is a violation of copyright laws in Canada, the United States and most other countries. The copyright permission that I have obtained does not allow for the copying, downloading, saving, transferring or any other use of these images by any other third party. Please email me first for permission if you wish to use any images on this site. If they are my images, I will very likely grant permission for you to use them, providing that the source is documented. If the images are not mine, copyright clearance will have to be obtained from the respective copyright holder.

All highway signs depicted on this site that are not "road-side" photographs were obtained legally. The signs were generously donated by various individuals and MTO/municipal offices as a contribution to this historical website project. Unless noted otherwise, all road-side sign pictures used on this website were taken by (and are thus the property of) the Webmaster. Some images of older signs have been donated to me by various interested parties, and these images have been specifically noted as to their source.

All textual portions of this website are protected by copyright. Permission is hereby granted to individual users to print any textual information on this website providing that it is strictly for private personal use only. However, this information must not be reproduced, published, electronically stored or copied, distributed, or posted onto other websites without my written permission. All other uses of textual information on this website are restricted by copyright, and my permission must be requested and granted in writing prior to any such use. Permission must also be requested and granted in writing if any user wishes to publish any textual information on this website, either in the form of print media or on another website. All other rights, including publication rights, are hereby reserved by the Webmaster.

Please note that I have a zero-tolerance policy for copyright violation and plagiarism. Be aware that I perform regular web searches on Google to confirm that my photographs (or those photographs that have been donated to me) are not being used on other websites without my permission. If I find that photographs from this website are being used on a different website without my authorization, the website owner may face civil and/or criminal prosecution for copyright violation. The same policy also applies to the plagiarism of my research work. I take these matters very seriously and I have little patience for those individuals who infringe upon my copyright. Please do not utilize, publish, copy, reproduce or distribute any of my photographic property or textual property without my explicit written permission!


Department of Highways Annual Reports 1914-1971

Ministry of Transportation Annual Reports 1972-Present

Personal Interviews and Correspondence with current and former MTO & DHO employees

Northern Highways Program, MTO, 2007-Present

Southern Highways Program, MTO, 2007-Present

Provincial Highways Distance Tables, MTO, 1963-1997

QEW: Canada's First Superhighway, Robert M. Stamp, Boston Mills Press, © 1987

Official Ontario Road Maps from 1923-Present

Official Weekly Road Bulletins of Ontario from 1940-1980

Various Gasoline & Oil Company Road Maps from 1921-1975

Various MapArt City Maps and Highway Atlases from 1980-Present

Various MTO Publications issued by the King's Printer for Ontario, and Ronen House

Various Ontario Motor League Publications from 1930-1961

Documents and Photographs on file at the Archives of Ontario and the MTO

The Webmaster's Own Personal Observations and Field Studies from 1990-Date

If you would like specific details about my sources, please do not hesitate to email me.


The information presented on this website was secured from the most reliable official sources available to me. Whenever possible, official government archival records have been used to verify the information presented on this website. However, in many cases, official information (particularly earlier material) is unreliable, incomplete, or missing entirely. While I can assure all site viewers that all due care has been taken to insure that only the most reliable information is presented here, I cannot assume any responsibility for any loss resulting from the use or misuse of the information supplied here. Users are therefore asked to verify any information obtained from this website first-hand, before relying upon it.

Ontario Highway History - Main Menu

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