Hwy 40A Sign Graphic Hwy 40A Title Graphic Hwy 40A Sign Graphic   

This page contains historical and present day photos of Ontario's King's Highway 40A. All photographs displayed on this page were taken by the Webmaster (Cameron Bevers), unless specifically noted otherwise. Historical photographs are arranged in approximate chronological order, while present day photographs (Year 2000 to date) are arranged by location from south to north. Click on any thumbnail to see a larger image!

Please note that all photographs displayed on this website are protected by copyright. These photographs must not be reproduced, published, electronically stored or copied, distributed, or posted onto other websites without my written permission. If you want to use photos from this website, please email me first for permission. Thank-you!

Historical King's Highway 40A Photographs

HWY 402 #31

Above - Resurfaced section of Hwy 402 approaching Modeland Road east of Sarnia in 1959. At the time this photo was taken, Modeland Road met Hwy 402 at an at-grade intersection. When the Bluewater Bridge Approach (Hwy 402) was first built through Sarnia in the 1940s, it was designed as a four-lane divided highway with limited access. A grade-separated interchange was built at Christina Street, but all other intersections along the initial route of Hwy 402 through Sarnia were left at-grade. It took many years to fully convert Hwy 402 into a controlled-access freeway through Sarnia. An interchange was built at Modeland Road (Hwy 40) on a slightly realigned route of Hwy 402 in 1975-1976. Photo taken in 1959.
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 1959)

HWY 402 #1

Above - Junction of Hwy 402 and Modeland Road (Lucasville Road) east of Sarnia in 1962. This aerial photo of Hwy 402 shows the junction of Modeland Road and the adjacent Hwy 7 junction, just east of Sarnia (facing east). Modeland Road was later incorporated into the Sarnia Bypass and was designated as Hwy 40 in the mid-1960s. The at-grade intersection at Hwy 402 was eventually eliminated through the construction of a proper interchange at Hwy 40. In the 1970s, Hwy 402 was extended easterly from Sarnia towards London and was realigned through the area in the bottom left corner of the photo. The Hwy 402 connection to Hwy 7 seen here was subsequently removed and is now the site of a shopping plaza. Sarnia's present day "Golden Mile" can be seen along Hwy 7 in the top left corner of this photo. See an Enlarged Photo Here. Photo taken on November 28, 1962.
(Photo © Archives of Ontario  -  Series RG-14-151-7-16, Photo #3851)

HWY 402 #37

Above - Construction progress on the Modeland Road (Hwy 40) Interchange on Hwy 402 in Sarnia (1976)
(Photo courtesy of Ontario Ministry of Transportation  -  © King's Printer for Ontario, 1976)

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