Special Thanks

Ontario Highway History - Main Menu

The construction of this website would not have been possible without the kind assistance of the following individuals, companies, government agencies and institutions. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank-you!

Individual contributors:

Josh Anderchek

Jim Bates

Russ Batson

Chris Beach

Dennis Billings

Roy Clark

Andrew Dowie

Lance Dutchak

Mike Filey

Peter Glaser

Carl Gleason

Jim Hallman

Randy Haviland

Les Holzmann

Brent Hooton

Shawn Jemmett

Murray Kalinovich

Paul Klucznyk

Richard Koski

Jay LaRochelle

Dan Lynch

Jamie Malecki

Jeanne Marcella

Bill McRae

Tom Merritt

Mark Mirrlees

Bob Nichols

Robert Norrie

Larry Paradis

Paul Phillips

Blair Pineau

Wayne Plunkett

Randy Pollard

Doug Robinson

Pat Russell

Ken Seebrook

John Sidorowicz

Adam Simpson

Kenny Slobodzian

Murray Smith

Mike Sprague

Scott Steeves

Darren Stevenson

Martine Stonehouse

Bernie Sweet

John Thomas

John Timberlake

Guido Varricchio

Eric Vettoretti

Mike Wakunick

Jason Walle

Audrey Watterson

Brian and Linda Weaver

Debbie Williams

Jim Williams

Mike Witmer

Government and Corporate contributors:

Archives of Ontario

City of Kawartha Lakes

City of Kitchener

City of Quinte West

County of Brant

County of Dufferin

County of Leeds & Grenville

County of Simcoe

Huron County Highways Department

K. J. Beamish Construction Limited

Miller Maintenance Limited (IMOS)

Ministry of Transportation, Ontario

Regional Municipality of York

Steed and Evans Limited

Southfork Aggregates Limited

TWD Roads Management Inc.

Institutional contributors:

Brock University

McMaster University

University of Guelph

University of Waterloo

York University

If you have contributed material to this website and I have omitted your name from this list, it was certainly not intentional. Please accept my apologies and email me at your earliest convenience so that I may credit you for your assistance.

Ontario Highway History - Main Menu

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