Hwy 403 Sign Graphic Hwy 403 Title Graphic Hwy 403 Sign Graphic   

Exit Numbers along King's Highway 403 are based on their approximate distance from Woodstock

All distances are in Kilometres - Mileage as reported in MTO's Linear Highway Referencing System (LHRS)
Updated to July 1, 2010

Distance from Distance from
Woodstock Mississauga
0.0Highway 401 Interchange (Woodstock - Start of Highway 403)125.4
5.4Exit #5 - Oxford Road 55 Interchange (Formerly Highway 53 - To Eastwood)120.0
15.3Exit #15 - Brant Road 25 Interchange (To Princeton)110.1
26.7Exit #27 - Highway 24 South Interchange (To Simcoe)98.7
30.2Exit #30 - Oak Park Road Interchange (Brantford)95.2
33.1Exit #33 - Paris Road Interchange (Formerly Highway 2 - Brantford)92.3
35.7Exit #36 - Highway 24 North Interchange (King George Road - Brantford)89.7
38.3Exit #38 - Wayne Gretzky Parkway Interchange (Brantford)87.1
40.7Exit #41 - Garden Avenue Interchange (To Cainsville)84.7
55.2Exit #55 - Hwy 52 Interchange (To Copetown)70.2
58.5Exit #58 - Wilson Street Interchange (Formerly Highway 2 - Ancaster)66.9
60.3Exit #60 - Fiddler's Green Road Interchange (Ancaster)65.1
61.4Exit #61 - Highway 6 South Interchange (To Caledonia)64.0
64.3Exit #64 - Lincoln Alexander Parkway Interchange (Hamilton)61.1
68.9Exit #69 - Aberdeen Avenue Interchange (Hamilton)56.5
70.3Exit #70 - Main Street Interchange (Formerly Highway 2 & Highway 8 - Hamilton) 55.1
72.5Exit #73 - York Boulevard Interchange (Hamilton)52.9
73.9Exit #74 - Highway 6 North Interchange (To Guelph)51.5
77.3Exit #78 - Waterdown Road Interchange (To Waterdown)48.1
79.6Exit #80 - Highway 407 Express Toll Route Interchange (To Milton)45.8
81.7QEW Exit #100 - Queen Elizabeth Way Interchange (To Niagara)43.7
82.5QEW Exit #101 - Brant Street Interchange (Burlington)42.9
84.4QEW Exit #102 - Guelph Line Interchange (Burlington) 41.0
86.5QEW Exit #105 - Walkers Line Interchange (Burlington)38.9
88.5QEW Exit #107 - Appleby Line Interchange (Burlington)36.9
90.5QEW Exit #109 - Burloak Drive Interchange (Burlington)34.9
92.7QEW Exit #111 - Bronte Road Interchange (Formerly Highway 25 - Oakville)32.7
94.8QEW Exit #113 - Third Line Interchange (Oakville)30.6
97.9QEW Exit #116 - Dorval Drive Interchange (Oakville)27.5
100.0QEW Exit #118 - Trafalgar Road Interchange (Oakville)25.4
101.5QEW Exit #119 - Royal Windsor Drive Interchange (Oakville)23.9
104.6QEW Exit #123 - Queen Elizabeth Way Interchange (To Toronto)20.8
104.7Exit #104 - Upper Middle Road Interchange (Mississauga)20.7
106.6Exit #106 - Dundas Street Interchange (Formerly Highway 5 - Mississauga)18.8
109.6Exit #109 - Highway 407 Express Toll Route Interchange (Mississauga)15.8
111.7Exit #111 - Winston Churchill Boulevard Interchange (Mississauga)13.7
113.3Exit #112 - Erin Mills Parkway Interchange (Mississauga)12.1
117.9Exit #117 - Mavis Road Interchange (Mississauga)7.5
120.0Exit #119 - Hurontario Street Interchange (Formerly Highway 10 - Mississauga)5.4
122.6Exit #122 - Eglinton Avenue Interchange (Mississauga)2.8
124.0Ramps to Highway 410 (To Brampton)1.4
125.4Highway 401 Interchange (To Toronto) - End of Highway 4030.0

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